Saturday, November 7, 2015


Meatballs are always a hit in my house. I make Spanish style albondigas. It can be time consuming to roll the meatballs but this can be done in advance and they can be stored in the fridge. The tomato sauce can also be made in advance. I usually begin with the sauce. I crush a clove of garlic and fry it until it is golden.
I then chop around eight tomatoes into slices and add them to the garlic.
I turn the heat up high and cover the pot with a lid.
I leave them to bubble away for about ten minutes and then I squash them down with a spoon. The longer you let this cook the tastier it is. It can be a bit watery at first so it is a good idea to take the lid off the pot and let it reduce down a bit.
To make the meatballs I beat an egg in a big mixing bowl. I break a slice of bread into this and let it absorb some of the egg. Then I add lean minced beef and chopped parsley.
I give it all a good mix. I put flour onto a chopping board and set out a clean plate.
In my hands I roll the meatballs into a shape that is about one inch in diameter. I like small meatballs. They are easier to cook and more tasty in my opinion.
I then roll the meatball in the flour and put it on the plate.
I heat rapeseed oil in a frying pan to a high heat. It is important to wait until the oil is hot to avoid your meatballs falling apart. It is also important not to add too many to the pan as it becomes hard to turn them if they are overcrowded. Wait until they are cooked well on one side before turning them. You constantly run the risk of your meatballs falling apart! I turn them with a dessert spoon as this seems to help. The oil spits a lot when you are cooking meatballs so wear an apron and be careful of your hands and arms. You may need to cook them in several batches. If this is the case you will need a clean, fresh bowl to put them in.
It is very important to avoid cross contamination from dishes that held the raw meat. When they have all been well cooked (no one likes a bleeding meatball!) put them back into the frying pan and heat them thoroughly.
Then pour in the tomato sauce and mix well.
You are ready to serve up your amazing meatballs. I serve them with steamed brocolli
and boiled potatoes. I toss the potatoes in olive oil, black pepper and fresh parsley.
This dish is also perfect for toddlers. My one year old baby couldn't get enough of them . He ate his own and then he ate most of Brian's too! If that isn't an indication of their tastiness then I don't know what is!!!

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