Tuesday, October 20, 2015


I have long adopted the concept of koselig into my life. This is a Norweigan phrase and concept that cannot be accurately translated into English. "Anything can (and should) be koselig: a house, a conversation, a dinner, a person. It defines something/someone /an atmosphere that makes you feel a sense of warmth very deep inside in a way that all things should be: simple and comforting," (www.afroginthefjord.com). After all I am a fruitbear so it is in my nature to hibernate for winter. Late September and early October are a great time to start. The air is crisp and there is a bite in the air. Autumn is my absolute favourite time of the year. I love that crisp chill in the air. I also love getting my home as cosy as possible. There is nothing I enjoy more than coming home when I feel cold. I open the front door and am immediately comforted as my home wraps me into its cosy embrace. Steaming cups of tea, cosy blankets
my wood burning stove, hot chocolate
hot water bottles, fluffy socks, snuggly wool jumpers, tea lights beside a rain splattered window, my fluffy goose down duvet and mattress topper. I just love it. Autumn and winter are my favourite seasons and I can't get enough of them.

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