Wednesday, September 9, 2015

Natural Deodorant

have been an advocate for natural deodorant for the past fifteen years. I did fall off the wagon for a while and go mainstream again. I had become immune to the deodorant I had been using and just gave up. I have since discovered that the secret to natural sweat suppressant is...variety! You need to have two to three natural deodorants in your rotation so that your body doesn't get used to one and start to ignore it. I had used Tom's of Maine stick deodorant before but I can't find it anywhere anymore. The selection of natural deodorants is pretty dismal in Ireland. At the moment I am rotating a Weleda sage spray deodorant and a Jason lavender stick deodorant. They both smell fantastic. I had been looking for the Weleda one in lemon but, alas, it was nowhere to be found. The secret to success going natural is a daily shower and knowing its limitations. For example, I use a mainstream deodorant to go to my Zumba class. It is the only time in the week that I use it but I feel it is necessary in that situation.

1 comment:

  1. I would just like to comment and say that after some time I find the Weleda deoderant superior to the Jason one.
